Sunday, September 19, 2010

Social Justice Blogger Speaks to University Students

Activist Mona Eltahawy speaks to university students 
Wednesday on the impact of blogging. 
Wednesday social blogger, activist, and award-winning columnist Mona Eltahawy spoke to University of Oklahoma students about the importance of blogging in today's tense political and social climate. The event, titled "Blogging for Social Change," was open to all university students and was focused primarily on her experiences with blogging on international affairs.

Students participated in a question and answer session
with Eltahawy after her presentation.
A professed Muslim originally from Egypt, Eltahawy said she first saw the necessity of blogging after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

"I love being a Muslim, I'm very proud of being a Muslim, but I hated what was done supposedly in the name of Islam on that day, Sept. 11, 2001," she said. "And that day really marked the beginning of my - not so much becoming a blogger - but my becoming an opinion writer."

The seminar was already the second in a trio of discussions with the final workshop, "My America, My Islam," coming Tuesday. The event will be held in the Regents Room of the Oklahoma Memorial Union at 7p.m. and will cover the recent New York mosque controversy from a Muslim perspective.

Stephanie Heck, Center for Social Justice Program Coordinator
Wednesday's seminar was sponsored by OU's Women's and Gender Studies Program Center for Social Justice.The center brings in speakers throughout the year to speak on social issues, says Center for Social Justice program coordinator Stephanie Heck. "Last fall we had our first activist-in-residence Franciska Issaka, join us from Ghana...In the spring we invited local activist Nathaniel Batchelder to interact with our students concerning his many years of peace activism," she said.

The center, located on campus in Buchanan Hall, offers a host of opportunities for involvement, Heck says, including internships, film screenings, and service projects. For more information visit and check out the website's event calendar.

1 comment:

  1. Tyler,
    Nice job. Use the 5 graph model, though, to organize your thoughts. Here the context and the news is a bit lost. In other words, Mona's talk is the news and the center should be the context. Make sense?

    On a completely different note, great photos and hussle!

