Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Paying It Forward

Former Michigan State wrestler and Big Ten champion Brian Picklo has had a lifetime of success. Success met by hours of sweat-stained training, Picklo says.

"[I] started out just as a nobody, didn't have any record to speak of," he said. "I wasn't more talented than any of the guys I wrestled, I wasn't necessarily the strongest guy, I wasn't the fastest guy, but in my mind – and in my heart – I outworked everybody I wrestled."

Picklo went on to a meteoric career in Judo, a sport he became an Olympic alternate with in 2008.

Picklo, a resident of Mustang, opened up a childrens' dojo in the same year. Picklo says his passion for teaching and the timing in his life allowed for his dream to become a reality. Here's to success.

By: Tyler Dunn
Run time: 1:36

1 comment:

  1. Tyler,
    Well, here is the good news - it is a good story. You always find solid, interesting stories. It is the nice thing about your work. On the "what-to-work-on" side I only have three suggestions: mantras, mantras, mantras. You have one of those down pat - cutaways. Now start with the first one - wide-medium-tight. If we did everything perfectly, golf would be boring and so would video storytelling ;-)

    Have a great break Tyler,
